discharge current — iškrovimo srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. discharge current vok. Entladestrom, m; Entladungsstrom, m rus. разрядный ток, m; ток разряда, m; ток разрядки, m pranc. courant de décharge, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
discharge current — išelektrinimo srovė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. discharge current vok. Entladungsstrom, m rus. ток разряда, m pranc. courant de décharge, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
discharge current — iškrovimo srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. discharge current vok. Entladestrom, m; Entladungsstrom, m rus. разрядный ток, m pranc. courant de décharge, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
corona-discharge current — vainikinio išlydžio srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. corona discharge current vok. Koronaentladungsstrom, m; Koronastrom, m; Sprühentladungsstrom, m rus. ток коронного разряда, m pranc. courant de couronne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Discharge — in the context to expel or to let go may refer to: A military discharge, issued when a member of the armed forces is released from service Termination of employment, the end of an employee s duration with an employer A patient discharge, the… … Wikipedia
Current River (Missouri) — Current River River Country United States States Missour … Wikipedia
discharge — [dis chärj′; ] also, & for n., usually [ dis′chärj΄] vt. discharged, discharging [ME dischargen < OFr descharger < VL * discarricare, to unload < L dis , from + carrus, wagon, CAR1] 1. to relieve of or release from something that burdens … English World dictionary
discharge tube — n. Elec. 1. any of various devices in which a gas or metal vapor inside sealed glass is used to conduct current when voltage is applied 2. such a device used as a lamp (discharge lamp), as with neon or mercury vapor … English World dictionary
discharge — electric current electric current, electrical current electrical current, the movement of electrically charged particles, atoms, or ions, through solids, liquids, gases, or free space; the term is usually used of relatively smooth movements of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Current members of the United States House of Representatives — Percent of members of the House of Representatives from each party current to January 2011. Region Democrats Republicans Vacant Total States as defined in the US Census New England … Wikipedia